The duo’s fairly brief murderous adventure is unquestionably full of intense shoot-outs, but memorable moments are few and far between. At one point you even get to man a gun turret inside an army helicopter, in what is one of the game’s most action packed sequences. As is often the way, the shotgun (in various forms) was my weapon of choice, but the sniper rifle and various automatic weapons came in very useful too. With enemies dropping guns and ammo all over the place, and a plentiful supply of explosive canisters and crates, you’re never short of ways to dispose of foes. Environments this time around have been designed to allow for better use of these basic mechanics you’re never far from a handy waist-high crate or wall to take shelter behind, but be careful, as some cover will be ripped apart by enemy gun-fire. You can now hide behind objects by pressing a button, rather than the awkward auto cover system the original game employed, and the controls feel tighter too. This time around you play as Lynch, although the slightly less unhinged, but still more or less a psycho, Kane is always at your side.ĭog Days is, at its core, a fairly simplistic cover-based third-person shooter. With an army of goons out for blood what follows is an often unpleasant tale of revenge, torture, murder and the ramblings of a psycho and his mate.

Without spoiling the plot of this sequel too much, Kane and Lynch bodge a job, resulting in the death of someone with connections to a huge criminal organisation in Shanghai. Are these guys simply blood-thirsty killers or is there more to them?

With the original game failing to be a critical success, developer IO Interactive’s sequel has a lot to prove. This is the crazy life of Kane and Lynch, gaming’s most unlikable leading men psychos who just can’t stay out of trouble. Your buddy is also naked and bleeding from numerous wounds all over his body.
You’re running starkers through a city, your skin cut to pieces, a gun in your hand.